Children & Youth
At CCB we desire that all children have the ability to hear about Jesus and the opportunity to put their trust in him. To that end we offer a variety of activities both midweek and on Sundays.
Midweek Activities
Balham Boppers
- Fridays 10.00am - 11.30am
- Balham Scout Hall, 197 Balham High Rd
Balham Boppers is a group for carers to bring their babies, toddlers and preschool children to bop, bounce, play and hear an engaging story from the Bible. Our aim is to provide a safe space for little ones to play and have fun, whilst allowing the adults to have valuable time meeting new people and forging lasting friendships with those in the local area. Children’s snacks are provided, as well as tea, coffee and cake for the adults!
We run during school term times and in order for us to develop friendships we encourage families to sign up for a full half term for £20. There are other payment options available, including bursaries for those who may find this a barrier to joining us.
Please get in touch with any questions or to register your interest.
SUNDAY Activities
All are welcome at our Sunday morning service. We always begin our gatherings with everyone together, and early on in the service there is usually a short, engaging talk particularly suited to our children. Shortly after this, they are invited to join one of the groups below, depending on their age or school year.
All children aged 18-months and older follow the same teaching programme that is adapted to suit their age. Provision is put in place for those children with SEND.
Children in Climbers and Adventurers start all together for ‘Kids Praise’ to sing some songs, share news and hear a short introduction to their teaching for the day.
Those in Hikers and Mountaineers join together for some elements of their sessions, such as games and crafts, but have separate times for teaching and discussion that is more age-appropriate.

- 0-18 months
A well equipped crèche runs for children under 18 months. Those bringing young children to church are encouraged to drop them off in Crawlers at the same time as the other children leave the service for their groups (about 20 minutes into the service).

- 18 months - 3 years
After Kids Praise, Climbers children spend roughly 10 minutes playing a simple game and hearing a story from the Bible. They then complete a craft related to their learning before enjoying some free play with a range of toys, books and art activities.

- 3 years - Reception
Following their time in Kids Praise, the children in Adventurers spend approximately 20-30 minutes in their structured session. During this time, they will play games, hear a story from the Bible, discuss what they have learnt and pray, and sometimes they will take part in dramatic re-enactments of the story! They then engage in a related craft activity before some free play.

- Year 1 - Year 3
Hikers children head straight to their group along with the Mountaineers. Their sessions include active games, arts and crafts, Lego construction, quizzes, short videos and dramatic re-enactments of the Bible passage being taught. During their session they also have a time to ask questions, discuss what they’ve learnt and see how it applies to their lives today, as well as a time for prayer.

- Year 4 - Year 6
Similarly to Hikers, Mountaineers children head straight to their group after the first part of the main service. They engage with many of the same activities as the Hikers children, though their time for questions, discussion, application and prayer is separate, to allow them greater ownership over their learning. They are also occasionally given some extra responsibilities within the session, such as reading out the Bible passage or helping the younger children with their craft.
We take issues of child protection very seriously at CCB. All our clubs and activities are overseen by people who have completed full safeguarding training and have undergone an enhanced DBS check. Follow these links to see a copy of our policies: