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‘To each is given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good’
1 Corinthians 12:7
‘Since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, try to excel in building up the church’
1 Corinthians 14:12
These verses helpfully correct both those of us tempted to hide our gifts, and others of us tempted to use our gifts to bring glory to ourselves. Not all gifts and abilities are up-front and flashy – many are behind the scenes and seemingly unimpressive – but the church needs all gifts to be used if it is to operate as God intends. Therefore, we encourage everyone at CCB to join a team where they can serve joyfully, using the gifts, opportunities and capacity that God has given. Rather than becoming overly reliant on our staff team, as God’s word is taught all of God’s people will be equipped for works of service (Ephesians 4:11-12). The church is also called to be outward-looking, through telling others the good news about Jesus, and through loving our neighbours in practical ways.

Serving on Sundays
A huge amount happens every Sunday so that we can enjoy meeting together for worship and fellowship. Dozens of people serve on the set-up team, welcome team, sound team, kids’ teams, as well as the more up-front roles on the music, reading, praying, kids’ slots teams, and more besides!
If you have a desire to serve in any of the following specific areas, please contact the church office and let us know:
Music & Sound | Sunday Children’s Ministry | Balham Boppers
Outreach | Website & Media | Student Hospitality
If you have any ideas of new teams, we’d love to work with you to see them become a reality!